The Scratch Pro was designed as the result of a lifetime of owning cats, and waiting and hoping someone would make a good solution for this basic cat need. Cats have gotten by with what we've let them use in the past, but anyone who has had a sofa, curtains, or other vertical surface get destroyed by a cat, knows that they haven't been happy with most things we've offered them. The proof is in the destruction.
I've spent a lot of time trying to figure out why otherwise "well behaved" cats continue to scratch sofas. The realization came to me when I was met with yet another blank stare while chastising our cat Jon, cats are pack animals, and don't look to owners as their masters like a dog, they see you as part of the pride. They bring you toys (dead animals), they amush each other and you (showing off their hunting skills), and they scratch because they need to sharpen their nails (for tearing flesh). All the things "good cats" do, are really just instinctual, like using the litterbox, hunting, and so sharpening their nails is deep in their DNA. Removing their nails is like cutting off their finger tips, and not an option.
Enter, The Scratch Pro. Cats in nature, would generally stretch and scratch on the trunk of a tree. This isn't an option for indoor cats, and not always for cats that come and go. The problem with the few options on the market, is stability, and how long they provide what cats want. They want that feeling of tearing through fibers. This is why the carpet scratchers work great, for a short while, then you're left with a big fuzzy tower that offers no resistance to their nails. Cardboard is a cheap, recyclable, alternative. The included cardboard scratcher can be easily flipped to provide a fresh experience, and then replaced with any of the industry options. The included foam inserts are designed to hold smaller scratchers in place. The smaller scratchers are both cheaper, and less wasteful, so our design allows you to use almost any cardboard scratcher on the market. The Scratch Pro comes with renter friendly 3M hanging strips pre-installed, so installation happens in seconds, and comes down just as fast without a mark!